perm filename SYS3[TLK,DBL] blob sn#163084 filedate 1975-10-07 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	.NSEC(OVERVIEW)
C00010 00003	.NSEC(IDEAS)
C00016 00004	.SSEC(A Proposed System)
C00020 00005	.SSEC(The ENVIRONMENT)
C00043 00007	.SSEC(Initial Knowledge: Level 2)
C00051 00008	.SSEC(Representation: Level 3)
C00057 00009	We have dwelt on BEINGs so much, the reader is now entitled to hear about the
C00078 00010	.SSEC(Initial Knowledge: Level 3)
C00092 ENDMK


The methods of mathematical creativity are being studied.  
A taxonomy of theory formation and of elementary mathematics is developed, then
embodied in a programmed system able to do simple research, form interesting
"mini-theories" and study their consequences.

	The fundamental organizational unit is the ⊗4BEING⊗*, abbreviated β. This is
merely a collection of knowledge about a certain topic, organized as the answers to a
fixed set of a couple dozen questions about that topic. In answering a query, one
individual piece of knowledge (a part of a Being) might have to call on several others.
The control is implicit in the collection of Beings which exist: each β has a Recognition
part, the answer to "Are you relevant to this situation...?", whose task is to determine
when to seize control and when to yield it.

	One unusual feature of the system will be a powerful "intuitive" ability
to analogize with part of the real world. The system may perform experiments on
this simulated Nature, and receive valid results, but the actual code which 
represents the environment is ⊗4opaque⊗*. 
⊗7For example, a model of a seesaw might exist, and the
system could play around at varying the weights on each side and their distance from
the fulcrum, and the seesaw function would explain which side sank and how fast.
This might be useful in getting an intuition about multiplication, substitution,
or symmetry.⊗*

	The initial knowledge in the system will consist of (i) specific facts about
mathematics, reasoning, programming, and communication, (ii) strategies
for filling out parts of incomplete β's, (iii) opaque functions
which simulate parts of Nature, and (iv) opaque judgment criteria
for aesthetics, interest, utility, complexity, etc.
The specific facts are
organized into 4 families of Beings; each family initially has about 35 β's, and
each β has about 20 parts. The families are: 
Static (eg, sets), Active (eg, relation),
Static-Meta (eg, analogy), and Active-Meta (eg, prove).
For uniformity, the strategies form a fifth family of β's, called Archetypical β's.
⊗7A strategy BEING is simply a collection of facts for 
dealing with a particular
type of BEING part; the "Examples" β contains suggestions for filling in the
Examples part of any BEING.⊗*

	The quantity of this corpus appears large (about 3000 β-parts to
encode, each as a little LISP program), and it is of some interest to hope that
the very same techniques which lead to discovering new mathematical knowledge
later on might be able to "grow" this knowledge base from a much smaller core --
say a collection of 100 β's with only a few parts filled in for each.
The first activity of such a system, then, would be ⊗4contemplative⊗*: the
interaction with the user would be minimal.
General strategies would interact with observations, and
new  concrete facts about its world would emerge, along with some new
specific tactics.
The system would also combine its intuitions to form plausible conjectures and,
where all terms have formal definitions, try to prove them.
The activities in this period are 
universal, not limited to any single
domain of mathematics.  

The user is considered slow and dangerously contradicatory, hence not a good channel
to obtain data in general.
But as the known information swells, the need for guidance also grows. 
At some point the
system may simply be swamped by a multitude of equally-mediocre alternatives to
It will then (abeit reluctantly) request  direction from
a human user, in what is to be an ⊗4assimilative⊗* phase. 
These teachings should be the
core definitions of a specific field, and of course should be based on what is 
already mastered. The first experiences could be in set theory, Boolean algebra,
abstract algebra, logic, or
arithmetic.  This will probably be the level finally attained by the actual system.

One higher mode of interaction is conceivable: that of a colleague in research.
In conjunction with a
human adviser, the system would propose and explore interesting new relationships,
decide which creations to name, explore the intuitive meanings of statements, etc.
Hopefully, the reader has balked, complaining that this sounds just like the earlier
phases. In fact, the system will not ring a bell and suddenly switch its activities;
it has no way of knowing that its discovery of PLUS is not new to Mankind.  
The driving and pruning forces in all phases are the same: use 
aesthetics and utility judgments to fill out parts of incomplete BEINGs.
⊗7If the guidance of the human turns out to be
important, however, then it will come as no surprise if
the flavor of the interactions changes as the system enters a realm unfamiliar
to the user.⊗*


Throughout all of science, one of the most important issues is that of
theory formation: how to extend, when to define, what to examine next,
how to recognize potentially related concepts, how to tie such concepts
together productively,
how to use intuition, how to choose, when to give up and try another
approach.  These questions are difficult to answer precisely, even in a
single domain.  Problems with natural language, with experimental
apparatus, and
with subjects which are complex yet poorly-structured,
all becloud the answers.  By restricting the domain of attention to 
⊗4mathematics⊗*, we hope to avoid these difficulties.

A ⊗4solution⊗* to this task would mean successfully
accounting for the ⊗4driving⊗* and the ⊗4pruning⊗* forces which
result in interesting
mathematical theories being developed. Success
could be measured in operational terms, by applying these forces to
various domains of mathematics, and comparing the results to what is
already known in those fields.

The ideas explored here are that:

(i) These forces are (in decreasing order of importance) aesthetics/interestingness,
intuition, utility, analogy, inductive inference (based on empirical evidence), 
and deductive inference (formal methods).

(ii) Each of these forces is useful both in generating new conjectures, and
in assessing their acceptability.

(iii) If the essence of these ideas can be factored out into an explicit set
(of rules, predicates, BEINGs, programs...), then they can be used to
develop almost any branch of mathematics, at almost any level.

(iv) A protocol was taken, and indicates that the researcher must have a very
good set of strategies, organize them carefully, and use them wisely
to avoid getting bogged down in barren
pursuits. Some of this wisdom must pertain to precisely what is to be
remembered/recorded: a surfeit is bewildering, a shortage dangerous.

(v) Each mathematical concept should be represented in several ways, 
including declarative, operational, exemplary (especially boundary
examples), and intuitive.

(vi) A large foundation of intuition, spanning several mathematical and real-
world concepts, is prerequisite to sophisticated behavior in ⊗4any⊗*
branch of mathematics.  It is not "cheating" to demand some intuitive
concept of sets, before studying number theory, nor to demand some
intuitive understanding of counting before studying set theory, provided the
intuition is ⊗4opaque⊗* (can be used but not inspected in detail)
and fallible.
The more serious attack on the reliance upon divinely-provided 
intuitive abilities is
that the creators might stack the deck: might contrive just the right intuitions to
drive the worker toward making the "proper" discoveries.  The rebuttal is two-pronged:
first, one must assume the integrity of the creators; they must strive not
to anticipate the precise uses that will be made of the intuition functions. Second,
regardless of how contrived it was, if a small set of intutition models were found
which are sufficient to drive a researcher to disocver a significant part of
mathematics, that alone would be an interesting discovery 
(educators would like to ensure
that children understood this core of images, for example).

(vii) The vast amount of necessary initial knowledge can be 
generated from a much smaller
core of intuition and definite facts, using the same collection of
strategies and wisdom which also drive the discovery and the development
(those outlined above in (i)-(iv)).

(viii) The more basic the initial core concepts, the more chance there is that the 
research will go off in directions different from humans, the more
chance it will be a waste of time, and the more valid the test of the search-pruning

.SSEC(A Proposed System)

Let us consider now what would be the characteristics of
a man-machine system which could be used  experimentally. 
The system would have about a hundred packets of information, each of which deals
with a small concept related to the foundations of mathematics, techniques for
research, etc.  Inside each packet is an organized cluster of
specific facts, intuition,   strategies, knowledge of how to
use the facts and the strategies, and an ability to estimate
the interest of the packet's topic and its sureity.  
Each such knowledge module will be called a ⊗4BEING⊗*, abbreviated β, and each
unit of its contents will be called a ⊗4part⊗*.

The system would think to itself awhile, producing primarily intuitive "universal"
relationships. Since these activities don't utilize any alien authority, 
this ⊗4contemplative⊗* stage can be programmed and run
even before any natural communication system is designed.
The overall control flow would be a series of Complete(P,B) calls, in which some
part P of some β B would be worked on, filled out more, etc. 
The driving/pruning forces would each time select the next (P,B) pair.
During the course of such
completions, new β's might be called for (split off rich parts of already-exisiting
β's).  One huge savings for the creators would be that the system should be able to
fill in examples  of each β itself; much of this phase will in fact be doing just
that. Many mini-theorems will arise as a result of filling out examples of
Relations, Compositions, Conjectures, Theorems, etc.

Eventually, the system's model of the user would indicate that his
guidance, though slow and errorful, was preferable to continue this wandering
development. The system might ask for specific information relating to the
concepts it had discovered the best intutive "theorems" about, or might simply
request tutoring in any domain of the user's choosing.

The human user's
first major task would be to input a body of concepts about a specific domain
(for each concept, he should provide definitions, examples, intuitive pictures,
etc.) Then the system will begin exploring that domain, using its
(hopefully universal) body of mathematical strategies.  Occasionally, the
user may interact with the system.  Occasionally, the system may do
something interesting.  The following ideas are fairly concrete, dealing
with such a programmed, runnable system.



COMPLETE(P,B) means fill in material in part P of BEING B. 

@21. Locate P and B.⊗*
If P is unknown but B is known, ask B.ORDERING
and up↑*(B).ORDERING. Also,
there may be special information
stored in some part(s) of B earlier, by other BEINGs, which make them more or less
promising to work on now.
[ up↑*(B).P means the set of BEINGs named P, B.P, 
etc. ]

If B is unknown but P is known, ask P and ask each β about interest of filling in P.
Each β runs a quick test to see if it is worth doing a detailed examination.
Sometimes the family of B will be known (or at least constrained).

If neither is known, each β must see how rele. it is; the winner decides on P.
If there is more than one β tied for top recognition, then place the results
in order using the environment function ORD, which examines the Worth components
of each, and by using the value of the most promising part to work on next for each
BEING. The frequent access to the (best part, value) pair for each BEING means that
its calculation should be quick; in general, each β will recompute it only when new
info. is added to some part, or at rare intervals otherwise.
After ranking this list, chop it off at the first big break in values, and print it out
to the user to inspect. Pause WAIT seconds, then commence work on the
first in the list. 
WAIT is a parameter set by the user initially. ⊗7(0 would mean go on unless user
interrupts you, infinity would mean always wait for user's reply, etc.)⊗*
When you finish, don't throw the list away until after the
next B is chosen, since the list might immediately need to be recomputed! 
If the user
doesn't like the choice you've made, he can interrupt and switch you over.
A similar process occurs if P is unknown, (except the list is never saved).

@22. Collect pointers to helpful information: ⊗*
 Create a (partialy ordered) plan for dealing with part P of BEING B (abbreviated B.P).
 This includes the P.FILLIN part, and in fact any existing up↑*(B).P.FILLIN, and
 also some use of the representation, defn, views, dom/range parts of the P BEING.
 Consult ALGORITHMS and FILLIN parts of B and all upward-tied β's to B.

@23. Decide what must be done now⊗*; 
 which of the above pieces of information is "best". Tag it as having been tried.
 If it is precisely = one currently active goal, then forget it and go to 3.

@24. Carry out the step.⊗* (Evaluate the interest of any new BEING when it is created)
 Notice that the step might in turn call for accessing and (rarely) filling
 in parts of other BEINGs. This activity will be standard heirarchical calling.
 As parts of other BEINGs are modified, update their (best part, value) estimate.

@25. When done, update.⊗*
 Update statistics in B, P, and current situation. (worth and recog parts)
 If we are through dealing with B.P (because of higher interest entity ∃,
 or because the part is filled in enough for now) goto 1; else goto 3.
 If you stop because of higher interest entity, save the plan for P.B inside P.B.


ACCESS(K,P,B) means access pieces of knowledge K from part P of BEING B.

1. Locate each argument
	Typically given K. Find P' by asking archetypes, B' by asking all BEINGs.
	By iterating through this loop, the sets P' and B' will become singletons.
	As they become smaller, more individualized effort can be spent on distinguishing the choice.
2. Interpret the material in part P of BEING B.
	Use the representation part of P. 
3. Match K to this pattern, and try to extract it directly. 
	Often this will entail evalling or applying B.P.
	Evaluation is viewed as just one technique for processing a clump of knowledge, B.P,
		and extracting the precise bit K which is desired.
4. If the accession fails, consider P.VIEWS, consider setting up a message, consider
	giving up. Let the interest of the current goal (activation energy) be your guide.

CURRENT SITUATION is a vector of weights and features of the recent behavior of the system.

The Environment also maintains a list of records
and statistics of the recent past activities, in a structure called CS, 
for "Current Situation".
Each Recognition grouping part is prefaced by a vector of numbers which are
dot-multiplied into CS, to produce a rapid rough guess of relevance.
Only the best performers are examined more closely for relevance.
The representation of each CS component is (identification info, motivation,
safety, interest, work done so far on it, final result or outlook). The
actual components might be:
Recent Accesses.   For each, save (B, P, contents of subpart used).
Recent Fillins.    Save (B, P, old contents which were altered).
Current Hierarchical History Stack.  Save  (B, P, why).
Recent Top-level B,P pairs.
A couple significant recent but not current hierarchical (B,P,why) records.
A backward-sorted list of the most interesting but currently-deferred (B,P) fillins.
A few recent or collossal fiascos (B, P, what, why this was a huge waste).

ORD(B,C)  Which of the recognition-tied BEINGs B,C is potentially more worthwhile?


This simple ordering function will probably examine the Worth vectors,  perhaps
involving the sum of weighted factors, perhaps even cross-terms such as
(probability of success)*(interest rating).


PLAUSIBILITY(z)       How believable is z?    INTEREST(z)    How interesting is z?

         each statement has a probability weight attached to it, the degree of belief
         this number is a fn. of a list of justifications
	 Polya's plausibility axioms and rules of inference
         if there are several alternate justifs., it is more plausible
         if some consequences are verified, it is more plaus.
         if an analogous prop. is verified, it is more plaus.
         if the consequences of analogue are verif., it is slightly more plaus.
         the converses of the above also hold
         believe in those things with high enough prob. of belief (rely on them)
         this level should fluctuate just above the point of belief in contradictions
         the higher the prob., the higher the reliability
         the amt. one bets should be prop. to the reliability
         the interest increases as the odds do
         Zadeh: p(∧) is min, p(⊗6∨⊗*) is max, p(¬) is 1-.
         Hintikka's formulae (λ, αα)
         Carnap's formulas (λ)
         p=1 iff both the start and the methods are certain ←← truth
         p=0 iff both start is false and method is false-preserving ←← falsity
	 p is higher as the plausibility is higher, and as the interest is lower
         if ∃ several alternative plaus. justifs., p is higher
         don't update p value unless you have to
         update p values of contradictory props.
         update p values of new props
         maybe update p value if it is a reason for a new prop
      empiricism, experiment, random sampling, statistics
         true ideas will be "verified" in (consistent with) any and all experiments
         false ideas may only have a single exceptional case
	 a single exception makes a universal idea false
         nature is fair, uniform, nice, regular; coincidences have meaning
         more plaus. the more cases verified
         more plaus. the more diff. types of cases verified
         central tendency (mean, mode, median)
         standard deviation, normal distribution
         other distributions (binomial, Poisson, flat, bimodal)
         statistical formulae for significance of hypothesis
      regularity, order, form, arrangement
         economy of description means regularity exists
         aesthetic desc (ana. to known descs. elsewhere)
         each part of desc. is organized regularly
         the parts are related regularly

  Below, αα means ⊗4increases with increasing⊗* (proportionality), and
  αα↑-↑1 means ⊗4decreases with increasing⊗* (inversely proportional).
  Perhaps one should distribute these morsels among the various concerned β's:
   Completeness of an analogy  αα  safety of using it for prediction
   Completeness of an analogy  αα↑-↑1 how interesting it is
   How expected a relationship is  αα↑-↑1  how interesting it is
   How intuitive a conjec/relationship is  αα↑-↑1  how interesting it is
   How intuitive a conjec/relationship is  αα  how certain/safe it is
   How superficial something is  αα  how intuitive it is
   How superficial something is  αα  how certain it is
   How superficial something is  αα↑-↑1 how interesting it is

  Perhaps included here should be universally applicable algorithms for applying these rules
  to choosing the best strategies, as a function of the situation.

   One crude estimate of interest level is the interest component of the current β's
   Modify this estimate in close cases using the above relations
   Generally, choose the most specific strategies possible
   If the estimated value of applying one of these falls too low, try a more general one
   Rework the current β slightly, if that enables a much more specific strategy to be used
   Locate specific concepts which partially instantiate general strategies
   The more specific new strategies are associated with the specific info. used
   Once chosen, use the strategies on the most promising specific information
   If a strat. falters: Collect the names of the specific, needed but blank (sub)parts
      Each such absence lowers int. and raises cost, and may cause switch to new strategy
      If too costly, low int, store pointer to partial results in blank parts 
         The partial results maintain set of still-blank needed parts

   Competing goals: On the one hand, desire to maximize certainty,
      safety, complete analogies, advance the level of intuition.
      On the other hand, desire to maximize interestingness, find poss. and poten. interesting ana.
       find unexpected, nonsuperficial, and unintuitive relationships.
   If an entity is used frequently, it should be made efficient.
      Conversely, try to use efficient entities over nearly
      equivalent (w.r.t. given purpose) but inefficient ones.
   If an entity is formally justified but resists intuitive comprehension, its use is
      dangerous but probably very interesting; ibid for intuitive but unprovable.
   Resolve choices in favor of aesthetic superiority

   Maximize net behavior
    Maximize desired effects
      In this case, prefer hi interest over hi safety.
      Generally preferred to the folowing case.
    Minimize costs, conserve resources
      In this case, prefer safety to interest.
      Locate the most inefficient, highest-usage entity, and improve or replace it
      Use: If time/space become a problem, worry about conservation until this relaxes.


This section proposes a corpus of information, some of  which will be carefully
constructed, and all of which should
be present in the system before the user approaches it.
This presentation will be repeated at several levels of detail, so that
the reader will obtain a global view before going into detail.
The deeper the level, the more definite  the assumptions which are needed in
order to fill out the knowledge. Even at the descriptive level in this
document, some representation decisions had to be tentatively assumed.

The theme of a BEINGs system is to distribute the understanding of knowledge among
all the parts of all the modules. Thus there will be many different ways in which
the system can claim to understand something. For example, it might be able to carry
out some activity (Algorithms), to formally discuss that activity (Definition), to
relate it to other activities it knows about (Ties), and even to give vivid intuitive
imagery to aid in visualizing the essence of the activity (Intuition).
Some of the knowledge present
initially will be stored in each of these forms.
The actual ways to represent the knowledge, especially
intuitive knowledge, are of some interest.  As before, the presentation
will be repeated at a few different levels of detail.
Since the representation must be known before the knowledge can be understood
in that format, details about our representations precede details about the
core of facts and strategies initially supplied to the system.

.SSEC(Representation: Level 1)

The two broad categories of knowledge are definite and intuitive. To represent
the former, we employ (i) rules and assertions, (ii) BEINGs grouped into families,
and (iii) opaque Environment functions. To represent the latter, we employ
(i) abstract rules, (ii) pictures and examples, and (iii) opaque Environment functions.

.SSEC(Initial Knowledge: Level 1)

The following is a sketch of how the top level of knowledge in the system
is organized. Each node in the right lower section is both a BEING and the  
prototypical representative of a family of BEINGs.
The Environment node stands for a collection of opaque background system functions.


				  ~ Knowledge ~
           ↓             ↓              ↓                 ↓             ↓	 ↓
   Environment      Active-Meta      Static-Meta        Active       Static    Parts


.SSEC(Initial Knowledge: Level 2)

Below are diagrams of the knowledge present under each of the six major categories
of knowledge, as pictured in Initial Knowledge, Level 1, on page {QP}.
The first sketch indicates the major structures and functions in the
environment which the BEINGs see. Notice that the intuitive simulations don't
appear here; they are distributed among the INTU parts of all the BEINGs.

				~ Environment ~
		↓	     ↓          ↓	  ↓	      ↓
  	     Interest     Control    Belief    Choice     Current-Situation

The next five trees show the individual 
BEINGs present in each of the five families of BEINGs.
Each node is a β; almost all the β's  envisioned are present in the sketches below.


				~ Active-Meta ~
	  ↓				↓			     ↓
	Infer			      Test		    	Communicate
  ⊂ααααπαα∀ααααπααααααααπαααααααα⊃      ~			/        \
  ↓    ↓       ↓        ↓        ↓      ~                      /          \
Find Guess Analogize Conserve Examine   ~	With other BEINGs      With the user
					~			      /           \
			     ⊂ααααααπααα∀αααπαααααααα⊃       Translation  User-Model
			     ↓      ↓       ↓        ↓	     /          \
			 Disprove Debug   Assume   Prove  Into-English  From-English
			  /    \                     ~
		Constructive   Indirect     ⊂ααααααααβααααααααπαααααααααπαααααααα⊃
					    ↓        ↓        ↓         ↓        ↓
				  Natural-Deduc. Backward Indirect Existential Univ.
					    ↓			    /      \
					  Cases		 Constructive      Indirect

One point to notice is that testing and inferring activities (above) 
are separated from the
of testing and inferring
(below), namely conjectures, proofs, and counterexamples.
The former are things to do, the latter are objects which are static.
One can use a theorem, e.g., without remembering or caring how it was proved.

				 ~ Static-Meta ~
	       ↓ 			↓			 ↓		   ↓
	Non-justifiable		   Quasi-justified    	  Fully-justified       Math
	/      |      \             /     |     \          /     |     \	   ~
Assumption Message Contradiction Analogy Bug Conjecture Proof Theorem Counterex.   ~
				     Mathematical Theory, Basis, Formal System ←ααα$

Although conjectures are far removed from belief (in the tree), the environmental
routines permeate throughout temporal and arboreal space. Belief and interest
are constantly being evaluated.


				   ~ Active ~
	↓				↓				↓
    Operation			     Property			    Relation
	~				~				~
	~			      Ordered			       / \
	~                                    ⊗7Equals Member Contain Equivalent Ordering Quantification⊗*
       / \
⊗7Compose Insert Delete Convert Subst Rule ∨ ∧ Unite ∪ Common-parts ∩ Setdifference⊗*@

				   ~ Static ~
	↓				↓				↓
Primitive Containers		   Structures			   Assertions
	~				~				~
   ⊂αααα∀ααααπααααααα⊃	       ⊂ααααπαααβααααπααα⊃		      Axioms
   ↓         ↓       ↓         ↓    ↓   ↓    ↓   ↓
Ord.pair  Variable  T,F      Hist List Oset Bag Set

	   	      ~	Parts (Archetypical Strategy BEINGs) ~
	     ↓			  ↓		 ↓		 ↓
	Recognition		Alter		Act		Info
	     ~			   /		/ \		 ~
    ⊂αααααπαα∀ααπαααα⊃		  /	       /   \	    ⊂ααααβααααπαααπαααα⊃
    ↓     ↓     ↓    ↓		 / 	      /     \       ↓    ↓    ↓   ↓    ↓
Changes Final Past Iden		/       Interpret Change  Defn Intu Ties Exs Contnts
			       /             ~       ~
			      /	    ⊂αααπααααλ       εααααααπααααααπααααααα⊃
			     /	    ↓   ↓    ↓       ↓	    ↓      ↓       ↓
			    /	Check Repr Views  Bdy-ops Fillin Struc Algorithms
	↓         ↓         ↓         ↓       ↓     ↓       ↓       ↓       ↓
Genlzations Speclzations Boundary Dom/Range Order Worth Interest Justif Operations

.SSEC(Representation: Level 3)

At the moment, this section may appear to be a bizarre collection of data
too specific to be placed anywhere else. 

The first item is:  Which parts might a BEING have?  Below, we list all the possible
parts, and give a brief description of what questions each can handle.


 CHANGES		Is this rele. to producing the desired change in the world?
 FINAL  		What situations is this β rele. to bringing about?
 PAST			Where is this used frequently, to advantage?
 IDEN {not}{quick}	{fast} tests to see if this β is {not} currently referred to

 GENERALIZATIONS	What is this a special case of? How to make this more general.
 SPECIALIZATIONS	Special cases of this? What new properties exist only there?
 BOUNDARY		What marks the limits of this concept? Why exactly there?
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not} Set of (what one can{'t} apply it to, what kind of thing one {never} gets)
 ORDERING(Complete)	What order should the parts be concentrated on (default)
 WORTH	Aesthetic, efficency, complexity, ubiquity, certainty, analogic utility, survival basis
 INTEREST		What special factors make this type of BEING interesting?
 JUSTIFICATION   Why believe this? Formal/intu. For thms and conjecs. What has been tried?
 OPERATIONS  Properties associated with β. What can one do to it, what happens then?

CHANGE subgrouping of parts
 BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS {not}  Ops rele. to patching {messing}up not-bdy-entities {bdy-entities}
 FILLIN  How to initially fill it in, when and how to augment what is there already.
 STRUCTURE 		Whether, When, How to retructure (or split) this part.
 ALGORITHMS		How to compute this function. Related to Repr.
INTERPRET subgrouping of parts
 CHECK   		How to examine and test out what is already there.
 REPRESENTATION  How should entities of type β be structured internally? Contents' format.
 VIEWS	(e.g., How to view any Active as an operator, function, relation, property, corres., set of tuples)

 DEFINITION		Several alternative formal definitions of this concept. Can be axiomatic, recursive.
 INTU		Analogic interp., ties to simpler objects, to reality. Opaque.
 TIES   	Alterns. Parents/offspring. Analogies. Associated thms, conjecs, axioms, specific β's.
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}	Includes trivial, typical, and advanced cases of each type.
 CONTENTS       What is the value stored here, the actual contents of this entity.



The next items of interest are which parts each BEING must have. 
In PUP6, each β had (theoretically) exactly
the same set of parts. Here, each ⊗4family⊗* will have the same set.
For each possible part, we list below those families having that part:

.BEGIN W(7); TABS 30,40,50,62,74; TURN ON "\"  GROUP
@2   ↓_Part Name_↓\Static\Active\Static Meta\Active Meta\Archetypical
.TABS 34,44,57,69,80

 IDEN {not}{quick}\X\X\X\X\X


		CHANGE subgrouping of parts
		INTERPRET subgrouping of parts

 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}\X\X\X\X\



We have dwelt on BEINGs so much, the reader is now entitled to hear about the
other representations. 
Since they are more conventional, there is less need to
delve into their details.
The rules are arranged in  pools, with several independent
pointer systems to locate rules relevant in various ways. The functions
are compiled Interlisp code, perhaps using CLISP and some of the QLISP features.
Even the terminology here suggests the importance of BEINGs over these formalisms:
the rules are mere parts of β's, and the functions are merely the
⊗4environment⊗*, the background for the BEING activities.


Let us now deal with the "square" representation for a set in  more detail.
A set S is characterized as a rectangle in the Cartesian plane; the opaque
intuition function knows about numerical equality and inequality, hence about
borders of such sets. The notions
of intersection, union, complement, setdifference, disjointness, projection
onto each axis, etc. are also intuitively available.  Notice that the
sophisticated operations required (e.g., projection) will exist as opaque
functions, totally inaccessable to the rest of the system. This is worth
rejustifying: is fair to write a LISP program (which uses the function
TIMES) whose task is to synthesize code for the function TIMES, so long as
the program does not have access to, does not even know about its use of

This "square" representation is not well suited to all concepts
involving sets.
For that reason,
the system will simultaneously maintain several of the other forms of
intuitive storage mentioned previously.  Consider, for example, the
possibility of fuzzy rules, which can latch onto almost anything
and produce some type of result (but with low certainty). That is, they
operate at a higher level of abstraction than definite rules, by ignoring
many details. Another possibility is the use of examples. If a small set of
them can be found which is truly representative of a concept, then future
references to that concept can be compared to these examples.  This may
sound very crude, but I believe that people rely heavily (and
successfully!) on it.

Euler, to overcome language problems when lecturing a princess of
Sweden, devised the use of circles to represent sets. Venn and others
have frequently adopted this image. For a machine, it seems more a
propos to use a rectangle, not a circle.  Consider  the lattice of
integral points in two dimensions. Now a set is viewed as a rectangle
-- or a combination of a few rectangles -- in this space. This makes it
hard to get any intuition about continuity or boundary or openness, but
works fine for the discrete sets which are dealt with in logic, 
elementary set theory, arithmetic, number theory, and algebra. It is
probable that the system will therefore not be tried in the domains of
real analysis, geometry, topology, etc. with only this primitive notion
of space and confinement.  Specificly, a set in this world is an
ordered pair of pairs of natural numbers. Projection is thus trivial
in LISP (CAR or CADR), as is test for intersection, subset, etc.
Notice that these require use of numbers, ordering, sets, etc., so the
functions which accomplish them must be opaque.  The interaction
with the rest of the system will be for these pictures to suggest and
reinforce and veto various conjectures.  They serve to generate
empirical evidence for the rest of the system.
To avoid gerrymandering, it might be necessary to view a set as a list
(of arbitrary length) of ordered pairs; an absent pair can be assumed to be
some default pair. That is, a set is a simplex in Hilbert space; each set has
infinite dimension, but differs from any other in only finitely many of them.

How should the system choose which intuitive representation(s) of a set to use?
Some considerations are: 
	What operations are to be done to this set
(e.g., ⊗6ε⊗*, ⊂, ∩, ∪, ⊗6≡⊗*, =, ',...)? The representations differ in cost of
maintenance and in the ease with which each of these operations can be
carried out. 
	How artificial is the representation for the given set?
Some will be quite natural, e.g., if the set is a nest then use the
pointer structure; if the set is a relation over the small set AxB, then use the
lattice points representation.
	How much is "given away" by the model? This is a
question of fairness, and means that the system-writers must build in
opacity constraints and/or make the intuitive operations faulty.
We shall do both.
	How compatible is each representation with the computer's 
physiology?  Thus it is
almost impossible to represent pictures or blobs directly, but very
suitable to store algebraic equations defining such geometric images.
	Does the representation suggest a set theory with basic elements 
which are non-sets; with an infinite model; with any special desirable or
undesirable qualities? For example, the geometric representation
seems to demand the concept of continuity, which the system probably
won't ever use in any definite way.


There are about 125 β's in the proposed core, 
and each one of them should have an intuition almost
as rich as that for SETS, above. Space precludes delving into each one; some few
lines about each β's intuition is present in the document "⊗4GIVEN KNOWLEDGE⊗*".



In case the reader wants to see the breakdown of the parts again, they are
reviewed below, group by group.  The particular families are not mentioned,
since most of the parts occur in most of the five families anyway.
During system runtime, a part is filled in or extended
whenever a new idea becomes explicit.
The proximate driving force of the system is the urge to ⊗4complete⊗*
each BEING.  The true drivers are the judgmental criteria functions.

The four pictures below indicate the four main parts groupings, which in turn
reflect the four reasons for calling on a BEING or a part of one:
to see if it is relevant, to modify itself in some way, to deal with a
supplied argument (some part of some other BEING), or simply to answer a question
(accessable information). Under each category are several distinct parts and
in some cases further groupings of parts. Each grouping is itself a BEING; each
part is also represented by one archetypical BEING. In any given case, however,
the value stored in part of a BEING is simply some rules, pointers, numbers, etc.
The exact format of, e.g., part P of BEING B is specified in the REPRESENTATION 
part of the archetypical BEING
whose name is P.  In case some special information exists for dealing with B.P,
there may be another relevant archetypical BEING, whose name would actually be B.P.


			~ RECOG ~
		   ↓     ↓     ↓     ↓
    	      Changes  Final  Past  Iden


The RECOG grouping is concerned with handling the following types of questions:
Are you relevant to effecting this change in the world..., Can you bring about this
state of the world..., How successful were you in situations similar to the
current one..., 
Can you recognize this phrase...
These four  types of questions are handled respectively
by the CHANGES, FINAL, PAST-USE, and IDEN parts.

			~ ALTER ~
			~  self ~
	↓	↓	    ↓		↓	 ↓	  ↓
Generalize  Specialize  Boundary    Ordering   Worth     Ops
			    ↓                 /     \
			Dom/Range      Interest     Justification

The ALTER grouping is concerned with handling the following types of questions:
What is the boundary of the current concept? Why does it exist; why can't you
relax some constraint and generalize yourself? Is there anything interesting
happening when you specialize yourself; how ⊗4can⊗* you specialize yourself?
How incomplete are you; what part should be attended to next? Are you worth
surviving; why, what good are you?  
What factors make a β like you interesting/uninteresting?
What can (can't) be done to you?
These types of questions are handled respectively
by the Boundary, Generalize, Specialize, Ordering, Worth, Interest, and 
Operations parts.

			~ ACT w.~
			~ other ~
			/       \
		       /         \
		      /	          \
		     /		   \
		    /		    \
	    Interpret		     Change
	    /   ~   \		       ~ 
Representation Views Check        ⊂αααα∀αααπαααααααααααααπαααααααααααααα⊃
				  ↓        ↓             ↓              ↓
			     Structure  Fillin  Bounday-operations  Algorithms


The ACT grouping is concerned with handling the following types of questions:
How can this entity be pulled across your boundary? (Boundary operators part).
Most of the rest of the questions deal with BEINGs which
represent a part: whether to check to see if this part might be too "full";
if so, ⊗4how⊗* to check this; if indicated, how interesting should
the subpart(s) be before actually doing something? to act, do we split or
merely restructure? (Structure part)
What is the format of a typical one of you? (Representation part).
How much of this has been filled in so far? 
How do I doublecheck this information?
How do I fill in
some more? (Check, Fillin).
In general, there are two kinds of requests here. One is for actually changing
a part whose name is the name of this BEING (use the Change subgrouping). The other
kind of job is simply one of interpreting some aspect of such a part
(the Interpret subgrouping of parts).

			~  INFO ~
    	 ↓	    ↓       ↓       ↓         ↓
    Definition  Intuition  Ties  Examples  Contents
     ↓         ↓            ↓              ↓
Analogues   Family    Alternatives    Related-objects(thms, conjecs, axioms)


The INFO grouping is concerned with handling types of questions dealing with
ubiquitous facts about this BEING. These include categories which are
needed by more than one of the preceding three groupings, those needed in
several different ways, those which other BEINGs might want to inspect, etc.
The names of the parts in the picture are self-explanatory.


A scheme for organizing the pointer systems for RULES now follows.
Each rule will have several types of pointers, to indicate relevant
rules. One set might be as follows:


ABSOLUTE  The rules pointed to here should definitely be examined.
SUCCESS   If this rule succeeds, then look at these anyway.
FAILURE   If this rule fails, by a little, then look at these. (More descriptive, perhaps).
EXTEND    If a more comprehensive result is desired
CONTRACT  If a more restricted, simpler result is desired.
WORTH     What is this rule's expense of execution? Its chance of success?
          Point to cheaper rules/functions; point to costlier rules/BEINGS.
INTU      Point to abstract intuitive rules relevant to this rule.
DEF       Point to less abstract rules which are related to this one.


Notice that the rule parts are simpler, fewer, and more uniform than the set
of BEING parts. A simple pool of unstructured rules might be all that is needed
(situation-action productions).  That is, each rule is executable, and has some of
the above 8 supplementary pointers filled in. The drive to fill in the pointers of
Rules is much lower than the drive to fill in parts of BEINGs.
Conceivably, the system might not even have such pointers attached unless the need
specificly arises. The structure of a part of a Rule is considered opaque, to prevent
any regress here, and to permit the rules to be coded for speed and compiled.

A major fraction of the environment will consist of absolutely opaque
functions, coded for maximum efficiency, 
which perform "primitive" functions absent in
INTERLISP but desirable for our system.
The precise representation of the efficient functions is not important,
since they are completely opaque to the rest of the system. Access to a
compiler should probably be permitted; once the system has an algorithm
to do something, there is no reason why it shouldn't be allowed to point
to a compiled routine for the same algorithm.
⊗7Indeed, most humans who use a compiler don't really understand or care about how it
works.  Even those who ↓_do_↓ understand it will typically just 
extract a few general
do's and don'ts and tricks, 
and not keep recalling pieces of the compiler's code.⊗*


.SSEC(Initial Knowledge: Level 3)

For each BEING, we now present a brief summary of the value stored in each of its
If a part name is absent, it is expected that this will ⊗4NEVER⊗* be filled in for
this particular BEING. If the name is present but there is no value, then the
system might need to (and would, then) fill this part in sometime.

See GIVEN KNOWLEDGE document, please, for this information.    
In there you will find a few lines of information about each part of each of the
(roughly 125) BEINGs planned to be given to the system initially.


The work in this area consists of collecting English words and
grammatical constructions, of the kind found in various mathematics texts.
The next step is to exhaustively categorize all
words and phrases, and tie each one in to a BEING or a specific part. Also, some
fixed language scheme for communicating intuitive information must be devised.

Another ability which must be present is a DWIM-like recovery facility, tailored to
the kinds of errors one makes when discussing mathematics. For example, if someone
mentions "3+4", when + is defined only for rational numbers (a diffenret symbol
is emplyed for integers), then the error should be resolved by this simple bit of
psychology: "If an operation is applied incorrectly, and its real domain is in a very
closely analogous system, then map it back to find out which operator was really 
meant, and warn the speaker to be more precise in the future."

A third aspect is that of acclimatization to individual vocabulary and terminology.
For example, is a function from A to B necessarily defined on all of A?  One way to
acquire the user's preferences is during analysis of an error (as above); another way
is of course to allow the user to name the β himself (e.g., give him examples and 
intuition parts). His specific choices will go into the IDEN parts of the relevant
β's; if there is any possibility of contradiction with standard usage, the entry will
be tagged with the user's name, for future reference.  Of course a single user may refer
to the identical concept by more than one name, but the system should never permit
him to refer to two different things by the same name. In such a case, if the user
stands firm on the new entity, allow him to rename the older entity.


.SSEC(Categories of Languages)

English ↔ BEINGs
  Standard Math Notation
  Fixed Formats for Quasi-English Meta-Comments, Questions, Hints
  Fixed Language for Communicating Intuitive Concepts

  The whole idea of BEING parts; especially: representation part of archetypical β's.
  Language for Intuitive Communication
  Language for Communication via Inference from Examples

.SSEC(Standard Math Notation)


  IF ... THEN ...
  LET ... THEN

  NO ... IN


  <silent imperative>


  +,-,x for sets



.SSEC(Fixed Formats for Quasi-English Meta-Comments and Questions)





  forms of TO BE

  WHAT x


.SSEC(Fixed Languages for Intuitive Communication)

No good new ideas have yet been found. At the moment, the plan is as follows:
Each intuition will be an opaque function, which simulates some real-world situation.
The caller must specify as much as possible about the situation, after which the
function takes over and produces a description of what happens and/or the final state
of the world afterwards. The caller and the function together should know enough to
provide the caller with  the specific piece(s) of information desired. Often, the
kind of data provided will clue the intuition function as to what is wanted in 
return; often, the caller will know specifically what he wants back. Thus there may
not need to be any "language" in the normal sense of the word
(just some default schedule for calling).
Similarly, any BEING can
communicate any information by encoding it into examples and letting the receiver
decode it by inference from those examples. In that case, though, one must ensure a
universal sort of inference mechanism, perhaps an Infer-from-examples BEING with
whom it is easy for everybody to communicate directly.
Of course this is a very slow, inefficient mode of communication, and much information
may be lost or distorted.

An example: the old seesaw intuition. The function S simulates a seesaw, with
person p of weight w sitting on left or right side of seesaw, d distance from
the center, with person q of weight.... etc., for any number of people, and 
also says which way the seesaw was originally(left,right,balanced), 
which way it was finally,
and finally how quickly it moved from the start to the end. Any number of these
parameters may be left unspecified; the function will make an effort to provide
ranges for them, and/or examples of them. It is important to notice that the
function itself is not permitted to "give away" the fact that, eg., the names are
completely irrelevant, and that interchanging all lefts↔rights is equivalent.
That is, the function's ⊗4insides⊗* may know this when they compute the value, but
no BEING can ever access that information; the most he can do is look at lots of
examples and infer that invariance from them.
The actual code will compute L = the sum of (w x d) for each person on the left side,
R = sum of weight times distance from center for each person on the right side,
and the final activity is:

If L=R, then same as initial state, else Maximum(L,R).
If the state changed, the speed is proportional to the difference between L and R.
The above are inverted easily in case the final change is given and a proposed
configuration of sitters is the desired unknown.